How BookSerf Works
Best way to generate your online library
Search and Add Books
Easily search for books by title and add them to your online library.
Drag and Drop Bookshelf
Create a personalized bookshelf by dragging and dropping your favorite books and objects. Express your unique style!
AI powered Image to Book Feature
Upload a photo of your bookshelf and easily add books to your BookSerf account.
You also get recommendations based on your books on your library!
Import Your Physical Library
Snap a photo of your bookshelf and watch the magic happen
Upload Photo
Take a picture of your bookshelf
We'll identify and add your books automatically
Get Recommendations
Receive personalized book suggestions based on your collection
Upcoming Features
Soon, you'll be able to load your library photos and receive personalized book suggestions. Stay tuned!
What our readers say
"This platform has completely transformed how I discover new books and connect with fellow readers."
Sarah Johnson
Book Club Leader
"I've found so many amazing books through the recommendations, UX and the community is incredibly welcoming."
Michael Chen
Avid Reader
"The perfect place for bookworms to connect and share their passion for reading."
Emma Davis
Literature Student